Saturday 12 January 2013

On fragrance and flattery

Courtesy of Juicy Couture

My sister is a perfume connoisseur. She knows scents like people know wine. She, like several of my girlfriends, likes to have a "signature scent" and gets very aggravated if someone else "copies" her. No matter they had no idea she even owned the same bottle.

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery.
The last time I remember somebody copying me was in the fifth grade: Another girl plagiarised my short story and got to read it out in front of the class before I did. Let's just say I got introduced to the importance of copyright at a young age.

Otherwise I'm a shameless copycat. I learned to dress from my mom. I chose my prom dress because it looked like one I saw at the Golden Globes. I steal my sister's music. 

Do you care if people copy you? Also, does anybody change their fragrance with the seasons? Leave a comment below.