Monday 7 January 2013

How not to ace an audition

Courtesy of Fox

Last year there was a casting call for a film fest at my university. So I was like, #YOLO and went to the audition.

All the women were given the same monologue to read out. The waiting room was packed full of girls mumbling lines under their breath and getting into character while I snacked on some bread rolls. I had confidence and a butter stain on my paper. I was ready.

Rachel Berry once said on Glee that you always want to be the first or last to leave an impression on the judges. As luck would have it I was the last girl to do a reading so I took this as a good sign. 

I was reading for the part of a mother having a heart to heart with her son, whom she had a hard time conceiving. I wish I had a copy of that monologue because it was ridiculous. "Your father and I would not give up hope and so we tried again and again." Can you imagine your parents telling you how hard they tried to conceive you? It's inevitable what images that would conjure up in your mind. Now imagine how awkward it would be to say those words yourself. That's what my audition looked like.

I interpreted the judges' blank expressions as a sign of their overwhelming excitement. Then one of them asked me to say the same lines with more anger. I thought if I shouted the words they would think I was a good actor.

I can't remember what the rejection letter said exactly, but they said something along the lines of "You absolutely did not get the part."

If anyone has had a bad audition experience, please share in the comments below.

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