Thursday 13 December 2012

Keep skin soft in winter

Courtesy of Rolling Stone

I hate what winter does to my face. The minute I walk out the door I get bitchslapped by the wind and it's a nightmare trying to keep it from drying out. To make matters worse, my skin is really sensitive.

I realized that I had to switch up my skincare routine.
I was still washing my face with exfoliant beads and applying oil free lotion morning and night. While that works in the summertime, it won't do the job when the temperatures drop.

My mom swears by Eucerin: The concentrated lotions cured her chapped hands, which she was constantly washing after having kids. Now every morning after washing my face with Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Cream Wash I apply Aquaphor Soothing Skin Balm to my face. At night I use Replenishing Face Cream (with 5% urea) at night. Aquaporin Active Moisturising Eye Cream has cured the peeling on my eyelids as well.

Courtesy of Boots

Within a few days I could see the difference and my face has now returned to normal. At first I was terrified of breaking out but so far I have only had a few spots that quickly faded. 

These lotions have worked for me, but you don't have to use Eucerin. As long as the cream is thick and concentrated, it will do the job. For those afraid of breakouts, look for "non-comedogenic" on the label. 

For dry hands I highly recommend Neutrogena Hand Cream (Concentrated), the Norwegian Formula. This is the Mr. T of hand lotions; it'll make the others look like little girls.

Courtesy of Herbal Health Pharmacy

Don't forget to moisturize everywhere else. I usually apply lotion right after I get out of the shower (I'm not going to lie- I stole this tip from Katy Perry). Your pores are still open and can better absorb the oils.

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