Tuesday 18 December 2012

Ladies: Would you prefer to get hit on in daytime?

Courtesy of Sony Pictures

As shocking as that sounds, this doesn't just happen to Cameron Diaz in her crappy romantic comedies. This could actually become a regular occurrence in real life, thanks to dating expert, Adam LoDolce who has launched a campaign/instructional film called Go Talk to Her.

Similar to Simple Pick Up which I mentioned in my last post, LoDolce helps other men pick up women in a non-creepy way. And what's less threatening than approaching a girl in the middle of the day, as opposed to in a dark nightclub? At a club you can't hear anything over the loud music so you have to lean in really close which is automatically invading her air space.

LoDolce is slicker than a jerry curl when it comes to hitting on women. In his trailer for Go Talk to Her we see him flirt with several girls in the park with a simple compliment and a friendly demeanor. Like the guys in Simple Pick Up, he's just an average Joe with a lot of confidence and charm. 

In Cosmopolitan's online poll of 2,718 women, 49% liked being hit on "whenever" while 39% preferred the clarity of a guy's intentions during the day. A weird 7% said they never wanted to be randomly approached (okay...) and 3% liked being approached at night.

Below is the Go Talk to Her trailer.



1 comment:

  1. ehmigosh YES please, so much better than creepers at night RIGHT xon HHAHAHAHAHA
