Saturday 15 December 2012

Awkward: Watching a sex scene with your parents

Courtesy of Sony Pictures

Remember how I was talking about quality family time? I kind of want to die when a sex scene comes on while I'm sitting next to my parents, especially my dad. Something tells me they feel the same way.

My dad was raving about the movie Layer Cake and convinced my grandpa to watch it with us. In the beginning there is a quick sex scene but that was enough to make him leave the room. 

What if you're the one in the movie? Ryan Gosling has admitted to making his mom listen to an iPod during anything embarrassing. Too bad he didn't share this tip with Rupert Grint. He had to sit through the whole thing uninterrupted with Mom and Dad.

Courtesy of Wireimage

If you feel my pain, leave a comment or tweet @doubleyourdosag.

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