Friday 7 December 2012

Ashton Kutcher is playing Steve Jobs

Courtesy of Collider

Excuse me while I go kill myself.

This is one of many casting decisions that have frustrated me over the past year. These include Lindsay Lohan's turn as Elizabeth Taylor in Liz and Dick. However the difference between these two situations is that Lindsay can act.

Now try to imagine Ashton in a turtleneck and tennishoes, giving a presentation on the iPod with his loud, obnoxious voice.

I just... no.

jOBS premiered at Sundance Film Festival as the closing night film. I've looked for a preview of this madness but to no avail. It's probably better for my sanity that I don't see it.

My biggest question is WHY HIM? If you wanted a household name in your credits, there are so many other more talented, more intelligent actors. Is this a practical joke?

I think I was a movie mogul in a past life. Had someone told me this casting choice, I would've thrown my expensive coffee mug across the office. After scratching my bald head and adjusting my designer cuff links, I would have had that casting director fired.

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