Friday, 28 December 2012

New ban forbids Americans from adopting Russian children

Courtesy of Mission to Unreached Peoples

On Friday Russian President Putin passed a law that bans Americans from adopting children in Russia. The bill, which will become active on January 1st, will be preventing 46 pending adoptions, according to Russia's child-rights commissioner and ban proponent, Pavel Astakhov.

Funny people scare me

Courtesy of MGM

I've been a drama geek since my junior year of high school. Being a relatively reserved person, drama clubs have been a form of release for me once a week. 

Over the years I've made a lot of friends in between improv and rehearsals for school plays. Drama people are the most extroverted, shameless and eccentric characters you will ever meet.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Spider-Man dies in new comic

Courtesy of Marvel

This is just... Jeez, why?

Marvel Entertainment is going in a new direction with the beloved superhero, originally created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee. Dan Slott, who's been writing the comics for about 100 issues said it was time to "shake up the mix."

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

The Carrie Diaries looks promising- if you've never watched SATC

Courtesy of WB Television

During the final episode of Gossip Girl (I didn't care enough to watch, did you?) viewers were introduced to a young Carrie Bradshaw in a promo for The Carrie Diaries. 

Based on the Sex and the City prequel by Candace Bushnell, it stars AnnaSophia Robb as the mini fashionista in the '80s, before she became a journalist and best-selling author.

Monday, 24 December 2012

My eggnog brings all the boys to the yard

Courtesy of Swim Bike Run Live

The world didn't end, shocker there. Can we please stop the apocalyptic memes now?

Plus if the world ended that really would have put a damper on my birthday party on Saturday. It probably would have looked like this 

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Tim Burton teams up with Winona Ryder for Killers video

Courtesy of ETCanada

I've heard some say that Tim Burton has lost his touch. I strongly disagree, especially after watching The Killers' music video for "Here With Me," starring Winona Ryder. The two collaborated on the 1988 film Beetlejuice and two years later on Edward Scissorhands.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Ladies: Would you prefer to get hit on in daytime?

Courtesy of Sony Pictures

As shocking as that sounds, this doesn't just happen to Cameron Diaz in her crappy romantic comedies. This could actually become a regular occurrence in real life, thanks to dating expert, Adam LoDolce who has launched a campaign/instructional film called Go Talk to Her.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Weed legalized in Colorado and Washington

Courtesy of

When I first moved to Cambridge to finish high school, a classmate turned to me and said: "You're from California, right? Is it legal to smoke weed there?"

I hated to disappoint my new friend in saying that no, it was not. Although last month Colorado and Washington state decriminalized the use of marijuana.

This increased support for the legalization of marijuana can be attributed to the increasing number of women for the cause,

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Is university worth the money anymore?

Jonah Hill makes a cute hot dog in Accepted, courtesy of Universal

The way things are looking nowadays, dropping out of college seems like a very appealing idea.

College is 50% more expensive than it was 30 years ago. You could get a student loan, but that'll leave you with massive debt after graduation. No matter, with the current job market you'll be able to pay that off in... Never mind, you're screwed.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Awkward: Watching a sex scene with your parents

Courtesy of Sony Pictures

Remember how I was talking about quality family time? I kind of want to die when a sex scene comes on while I'm sitting next to my parents, especially my dad. Something tells me they feel the same way.

No place like home

Courtesy of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

After about three months away at University in England, I'm finally home for Christmas. I feel like The Wizard of Oz's Dorothy when she wakes up back in Kansas. You're all here! And I'm never leaving home ever, ever again! 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Keep skin soft in winter

Courtesy of Rolling Stone

I hate what winter does to my face. The minute I walk out the door I get bitchslapped by the wind and it's a nightmare trying to keep it from drying out. To make matters worse, my skin is really sensitive.

I realized that I had to switch up my skincare routine.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

How to stay out of the Friend Zone

Courtesy of Sony Pictures

Chris Rock once said that women don't have male friends. They're all just... Maybe just see for yourself.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Tips for bikini season

Courtesy of Victoria's Secret

I know it's winter, but for those of you flying somewhere warm for the holidays, you might want a look see. Plus it's never too early to prepare.

I found Rihanna's swimsuits

Monday, 10 December 2012

If marriage is dead, why is everyone getting married?

Courtesy of New Line Cinema

Last year I attended an engagement party. I was a freshman in college and a friend of a friend was getting married. On a whirlwind trip to Barcelona, her boyfriend of four years popped the question. Keep in mind she was my age, 19 years old.

My first question was whether the bride-to-be was pregnant. 

Sunday, 9 December 2012

I have a bad taste in women

I remember being starstruck in London. Twice, actually. The first time was when my dad and I went to see The Misanthrope in the West End, starring my favorite actress, Keira Knightley. I think we were in the third row. I was so in awe. Someone whose face I had seen on big screens and TVs, not to mention buses was now standing a few feet in front of me. I wondered if anyone else was fangirling as hard as I was that night. 

Friday, 7 December 2012

Ashton Kutcher is playing Steve Jobs

Courtesy of Collider

Excuse me while I go kill myself.

This is one of many casting decisions that have frustrated me over the past year. These include Lindsay Lohan's turn as Elizabeth Taylor in Liz and Dick. However the difference between these two situations is that Lindsay can act.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

And now something to ruin your day

Courtesy of

This couple broke up and wrote a song about it. And recorded themselves singing and dancing to it. Um...

Is this the new cool way to end a relationship?

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Can men and women be "just friends"?

Courtesy of MGM

"Men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way."

This is the famous line said by Billy Crystal's titular character in When Harry Met Sally. His wry explanation always gets a lot of laughs thanks to the late screenwriter, Nora Ephron but the question remains: Can men and women have a platonic relationship?

Friday, 30 November 2012

Quarter Life Crisis

Courtesy of Universal Pictures

I read an article the other day about how this generation of 20-somethings are taking longer to grow up than our parents. If sociologists classify an adult as finishing education, declaring financial independence, getting married, having a child and leaving home, then 77% of women in their twenties had reached adulthood in 1960. Today it's less than half. 

I'm going to be 21 in less than a month and to be honest, this statistic doesn't scare me.

Mom's Christian, Dad's Muslim, so what am I?

Every time I get into a cab, the driver will spend the duration of the ride trying to guess my heritage. And believe me, I've been guessed everything, from Italian to Chinese. 

I guess my parents are to blame for my mutt-like mix.

Monday, 26 November 2012

When I met Frankie Cocozza


It was like a battle cry as a herd of women stampeded toward the back of the club. My girlfriends and I were being swept up in the wave, and I struggled to get my bearings.

"Who's here?"

My friends looked at me like I was a fool. "Frankie Cocozza."

Friday, 23 November 2012

I knew the British were polite but geez...


Last weekend my sister and I went to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 in Southampton. I'm a die hard fan, but even I can admit that the movies have some fairly ridiculous moments. And this one has many.

Like when Jacob falls in love with the baby. No, actually falls in love with the baby. 

Sunday, 18 November 2012

The Pants Problem

I have an issue with men's pants. I'm from California, where pants of choice for my male compadres is jeans, ripped or not ripped. Unfortunately when I was in junior high it wasn't the pants that bothered me so much as where they were resting, which was below the crotch. 

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Inappropriate Christmas Music

Courtesy of Hughes Entertainment

I never realized my fondness for dirty Christmas music until I looked down and saw Lady Gaga's "Christmas Tree" playing on repeat on my iPod. In my defense, there is something heartwarming when she says the only place you want to be is underneath her Christmas tree.

Monday, 12 November 2012

How to Rot Your Brain

Courtesy of Lionsgate

Have you ever watched a movie that's so bad that it's good? I was fortunate enough to have this experience while watching Abduction. Let's be real: It doesn't matter how many push ups this kid does, Taylor Lautner cannot act. However, try telling this to someone wearing a Team Jacob shirt.

Top 5 Underrated Movies

I'm a movie freak. I probably get this from my parents, who have bookshelves filled to the brim with movies. Most of our collection comprises of comedies (my dad is a dedicated Jim Carrey fan), action and horror (my mom's tastes range to the Japanese variety). Also like my parents, my sister can start to quote a movie and I'll finish the rest for her, and vice versa.

As someone who spends a lot of free time at Blockbuster, I can tell you there are a lot of hidden gems that more people need to see. I've compiled a list of my favorites, but feel free to write any I've missed in the comments.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

I want to drive. So bad.

Courtesy of Warner Bros.

I have a confession to make: I'm going to be 21 next month and I still can't drive.

It's not that I haven't tried. Last Christmas I got my driver's permit in California. The test is so easy that you would have to be brain dead not to pass. However I was so busy visiting with my family that I had no time for driver's lessons the two weeks I was there.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Why women can't have it all

Courtesy of AMC

My friend said something interesting recently. She had just finished a year-long internship at a company in Singapore and was visiting for the summer. When we got to the subject of gap years, she told me, "I don't have time for that. If I want to settle down by the time I'm 30, I have to start building my career now."

Monday, 29 October 2012

Fifty Shades *update*

 CHRISTIAN GREY HAS BEEN CHOSEN. Nah, just kidding. But I have a feeling the studio might disappoint me. Because judging by the actors rumored to be in the running to play the infamous sex ninja, I might be forced to watch a pretty boy spank Ana Steele's brains out.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Why you should switch to eBooks

Courtesy of Engadget

I have every book I've ever read. I keep them all stacked in rows upon rows of novels, and wedge the excess in sideways. Fairy tales, fantasy, the Dragon Chronicles (when I went through a dragon phase) the classics, the Unicorn Chronicles (when I went through a unicorn phase), scripts for my first school plays, science fiction, books on magazine publishing (when I realized I wanted to be a journalist) and my first favorite books: The Harry Potter series. 

Unfortunately my apetite for reading has put my parents through hell.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Bling Ring

Coco Chanel once said you should always remove one thing before leaving the house. In that case, she would be appalled to find that my sister wears enough bling to put Mr. T to shame. She is OBSESSED with gold chains, and wouldn't be caught dead without a stack around her neck.

Monday, 15 October 2012

My secret weapon

Courtesy of

I'm not very good at applying makeup, but I'm awesome at taking it off. I can't risk raccoon eyes in the rain or if I spontaneously burst into tears so all my eye makeup is waterproof. The problem is, mascara is the hardest thing to remove, and sometimes I would wake up looking like a hungover hooker. My secret weapon:

Um, I just read 50 Shades of Grey

I know, I know, for an English Literature minor like myself, reading this would be considered sacrilege. But the reality is that not all English Lit. students read Tolstoy in their free time. Or at least they don't all brag about it.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

She doesn't even go here!

Courtesy of Valley 9000

My family keeps hoping I'll lose my accent. Ever since I moved to England, my mom keeps gushing about how awesome it would be if I came home talking more like a Brit. My grandma keeps saying the same thing, too.

Who would do that?!

Crazy people. And Madonna. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Damn you Harry Potter!

I was asked the strangest question last year. I had just moved into my new dorm room in Bristol, fresh off the boat (or airplane, in this case) and ready to start my freshman year of college. Just as I was unpacking, my neighbors knocked on the door to introduce themselves. We clicked immediately and started chatting about differences between America and England. It was then that my new friend asked: "Is it true that everyone drinks out of red plastic cups at parties in America?"